2017 is the year I will turn 50 … and it has most definitely been a year of reflection, self-exploration and growth. In fact I would say the last decade has been so on and off.

But this year in particular, has been a year in which I realised that life is possibly shorter than I had thought, and even if I do live another 50 years that they will whizz by … so I really must prioritise what, and who, is important to me and do what makes me happy.

It’s also been a year of questions…

  • Does my work fulfil me or is the joy disappearing? Is there something more important and fulfilling that I can focus on now?
  • Where in the world do I want to travel? What do I want to experience?
  • What brings me alive? What do I dare doing?
  • What have I accomplished that I am proud of? What would I still like to achieve?
  • Are there things in my life I need to leave behind, or change, or do differently, in order to move forward?
  • What do I want more of in my life? What yearning is emerging? What have I quashed that is crying to be free?
  • What have I been afraid to do? What step can I take now to find out what is on the other side?

Questioning my journey as I pass into a new phase of my life has led to me making brave and exciting, if at times positively scary, decisions about my life.

If you are in a similar space I would encourage you to do the same … reflect, take stock, dream, take action … and make the most of the opportunities that life brings you.

What questions are you asking yourself about mid-life right now?

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Lynda Brown
Lynda Brown

Specialist wellness & life coach for ‘perimenopausal & beyond’ females. Passionate about helping women make the second half of their lives, their best half. Healthy living advocate & Menogo Founder.

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