Are you full of dread and unease or are you looking forward to making this part of your life, the best half?
Society often views getting older with trepidation, however, our later years frequently provide new opportunities for growth and happiness – they can also be our most confident years in which we become the person we have always wanted to be!
How will you choose to age? Here are Menogo’s top 14 suggestions:
1 Can-do attitude
Any successful athlete or businessperson will tell you about the importance of thinking positively and it’s no different with ageing. Don’t let yourself be held back. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re ‘too old’ for something … including yourself!
2 Plan ahead
Maybe one of the most important tips is to plan ahead. How will you ensure you have a sufficient income in retirement? Where are you going to live: would you like to downsize or is there somewhere you hoped to retire to? Don’t leave this all to chance — think it through in advance.
3 Maintain your health
As we get older, it is more and more important to be mindful of your health. This doesn’t mean worrying about it constantly; rather, do what you can to head potential problems off at the pass. Ensure you get a regular check-up, and talk all your ailments through — no matter how minor they may seem — with your GP. Enjoy a balanced diet, exercise, reduce your stress levels, don’t smoke, and drink alcohol in moderation. The healthier you are, the more you’re going to get out of life.
4 Exercise
Stay physically active. At the very least, aim for a brisk walk for 30 minutes every day, but don’t be afraid to be ambitious. Take up an exercise class or even join a gym. Some people are running marathons into their 80s and while that’s not for everyone, it shows age is no barrier.
5 Learn something new
None of us ever really stop learning and later life can be a great time to focus on something that really interests you. There are lots of lifelong learning groups around the country with people learning new languages or new skills and having a great time doing it.
6 Never stop exploring
Later life can be a terrific opportunity to take that trip you’ve always dreamed about. There are travel and adventure companies that specialise in organising holidays that cater to older customers and are well worth checking out.
7 Take up a hobby
This can be a great way to meet people, spend quality time with friends or partners, as well as to try something new. What have you always wanted to do, but never had the time or the opportunity before? There are lots of activities out there to choose from; you’re only restricted by your imagination.
8 Volunteer
Whether it’s your local community group, sports club or charity, there are some great organisations out there that thrive on a staff of older volunteers who have the life experience, time and patience to contribute. They are always looking for people to lend a hand and it can be a hugely rewarding experience.
9 Adopt a pet
Animals can be great company and a great encouragement to take exercise. There are always cats, dogs and other animals in shelters looking for their ‘forever home’ and you might be the person to provide it. Or if you can’t commit fully, consider walking someone else’s dog!
10 Time for friends and family
We all have such busy lives it can be difficult to keep in touch and to make time for the people who are important to us. Make time for the people you care about and reconnect with old friends.
11 Keep working
Many people can’t wait to retire, just as there are others who might like to keep working — just maybe not at the same pace. Lots of people enjoy working and keep going into their 70s, maybe working part-time or in a less demanding role. Some even start new businesses.
12 Get online
70pc of British people between 65 and 74 use the internet— if you are still yet to join the majority ask a friend or family member to help or sign up to a local evening class or community daytime course. The first step is the hardest and after that, there’s a whole world to explore.
13 Dating
Why should romance be left to young people? We’re living longer, more active lives, and it can be even better with a special person to share it with. A number of agencies, on and off line, offer services here — or you can try the tried and trusted way of asking out someone you like.
14 Rent out a room
If you have a spare room in the house, why not think of renting it out? Maybe a student needs digs? Maybe you and a friend could move in together and share costs while keeping each other company? You could check out groups such as Airbnb, and earn a little extra to add to the savings.