Friday 27th April was the eighth Pay It Forward Day here in the UK (Yes I missed it … But thankfully we can put this idea into action every day!) when people were invited to join a worldwide movement in performing random acts of kindness to 3 or more people and asking those people to do the same.

Inspired by the film ‘Pay it Forward’ from 2000 (A beautiful film that made me cry!), the story of a social studies teacher who gives an assignment to his junior high school class to think of an idea to change the world for the better, then put it into action. When one young student creates a plan for “paying forward” favours, he not only affects the life of his struggling single mother, but he sets in motion an unprecedented wave of human kindness which, unbeknown to him, has blossomed into a profound national phenomenon … and today an international movement!

Last year, people in 80 countries took part in Pay it Forward Day and this year, they hoped to inspire over 10 million acts of kindness.

Here are a few ideas for you to try ….

  1. Can for kindness – you can collect cans of non perishable foods and give to refuge or other organisation who would benefit
  2. Book Giving – Collect books and distribute to needy groups
  3. Charity Day – Sausage sizzle, selling chocolates etc. to raise money for a local charity in need
  4. Buying the train or bus ticket for the person behind you
  5. Donating some of your professional services to someone in need on the day, for example – free hour consultation
  6. Buy a stranger a cup of coffee
  7. Visit your local church or community group and ask if there is any family that might need your help
  8. Stop and chat to an elderly neighbour … you might just make each other’s day!

The possibilities are endless …. who will you make smile today?

Pay it forward

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Lynda Brown
Lynda Brown

Specialist wellness & life coach for ‘perimenopausal & beyond’ females. Passionate about helping women make the second half of their lives, their best half. Healthy living advocate & Menogo Founder.

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