Then here’s a simple idea that I learned about how to have your best year yet… commit to making it happen and taking action!

Of course, it takes more than just commitment and action … having a vision, knowing what you want to achieve, how you want to feel and who you want to be also plays a huge role, as does having the self-belief that you can make it happen, and trusting that if you take steps towards achieving your dreams and goals that the Universe will support you too.

But being committed, taking the first steps and then daily steps towards your vision is what makes the difference. Without commitment… and action to realise those commitments, those promises to yourself… your dreams … are just that.

How do I know?

In January 2017, I did that very thing. I decided that 2017 was going to be my year, the year I stepped up and committed to achieving what I wanted for myself and my life… to being more courageous, more adventurous, more self-loving, more creative… to be fit for 50 and beyond in mind, body and spirit; to do things that, if I didn’t do, I knew I would regret; to challenge myself and step out of my comfort zone; to learn new things; to love myself unconditionally; to follow my heart; to spend time with those who I valued and loved… and most of all, to do the things that made me feel good.

2017 was to be the year I followed my heart AND it was also the year that I was to turn 50… something that just one month earlier, on my 49th birthday, I wasn’t very comfortable with at all… in fact I was hoping if I ignored it, then it wouldn’t happen!

But in January, I changed my perspective and decided that turning 50 was something to be celebrated – not only was I to reach this milestone (some of my friends sadly didn’t), but I was to reach it having had a pretty awesome life so far. And, in my mind, there is no reason why the next phase of my life can’t be even better.

Ten months on and I can honestly say this year has proved to be one of the best yet… and I’ve still two months to go!

Here’s just a few things that I have made happen…

  • I set up menogo, a business I had been talking about for years, but hadn’t been ‘brave enough’ to do it
  • I reduced my body fat by 3%, lost 1 stone in weight and exercised pretty much every day
  • I shaved 5mins off my previous personal best for a 1.5 mile sea swim
  • I lived and worked abroad for two months
  • I went on holiday with my mum and spent time getting to know her more – precious conversations
  • I qualified as an EFT and an NLP practitioner
  • I spent more time with those who mattered most
  • I committed to my morning ritual of a short mediation or priming and a gratitude journal
  • I went on several travel adventures and road trips
  • And for my 50th, I’ve organised a party and a photoshoot!

As I took steps towards realising my goals, things also started to happen around me – people came into my life who helped me, gave me advice or added to my ideas, problems were solved, unexpected opportunities came my way… it just felt like everything was meant to be. And even the things that didn’t go my way brought me valuable lessons… as they always do!

In January I didn’t have it all figured out and it hasn’t been all plain sailing… but I believe that by committing to 2017 being my best year yet, knowing how I wanted to feel and be, setting myself compelling goals and committing to doing something every day to take me closer to my vision has made all of the above, and more, possible.

And so to 2018… and to my next best year yet. Join me in January at my ‘How to Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet’ workshop in Bournemouth.

Here I will share with you the steps I took to make 2017 my best year yet… and the steps I will take this year to make 2018 as memorable.

If you can’t make the workshop, or you’d prefer to work one-on-one, contact me about personal coaching where we can cover all the steps.

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Lynda Brown
Lynda Brown

Specialist wellness & life coach for ‘perimenopausal & beyond’ females. Passionate about helping women make the second half of their lives, their best half. Healthy living advocate & Menogo Founder.

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